surf coach

Riding the Waves of Passion: The Story of Daniele Moscardini

The Island’s Embrace: Daniele’s story unfolds against the backdrop of Fuerteventura’s rugged beauty. It’s here, in the timeless dance of the sea, volcanoes, and golden sands, that his love affair with the ocean began. A connection that transcended mere sport and became a way of life, a love that would eventually shape the course of his destiny.

Today, Daniele Moscardini is a seasoned ISA L2 Surf Coach, ISA Surf Judge, FES/FCS Instructor, and SLSGB Lifeguard. However, Daniele’s journey is more than just riding waves; it’s a tale of passion, dedication, and an unwavering love for the ocean. This is his story.

A Surfer’s Genesis

From Daniele’s words:

“The first time I tried surfing I was in Italy, in Tuscany, with my uncle Damiano: I was only 10 years old, but I remember very well the feeling of the first white wave pushing me towards the beach. I felt amazing. However, I haven’t kept surfing consistently for a long time because, actually, I was afraid of the sea.

In 2009, I decided to go to Fuerteventura on holiday, without even knowing where I was going: I was simply looking for a place to rest and enjoy myself. However, the moment I stepped foot on the island, something magical happened: I felt at home, and at peace. I went back to Italy to graduate, but I already knew that I wanted to move to the island: I packed my life in a suitcase and jumped on an airplane.

This is when surfing came back into my life, and I got completely hooked on it. My uncle Damiano, who had moved to the island some years earlier, owned a surf school in El Cotillo, and he began mentoring me for years. One day, he told me: “you are ready to become a teacher”. So I became a Surf Instructor in Fuerteventura by getting my first official title here.”

Nurturing the Dream

Chasing the thrill of each wave, Daniele’s dream of becoming a well-rounded, independent surf coach took root. He pursued the path of excellence, training his skills and seeking knowledge from the masters of the sport.

He worked tirelessly for a decade until he became the Head Coach of one of the biggest schools on the island of Fuerteventura, managing up to 40 students and 6 instructors per day, for years. He studied to deepen his teaching skills, undertaking regular continuing education with other coaches, courses, and self-study.

Freelancing and pursuing a new teaching approach

“After working for large surf schools for many years, I decided that I wanted to do things differently. I became a freelance surf coach to be free to teach according to my values and my personal style and be able to mentor my students 1:1. I love to support each one of my students in a way that is personalized and tailor-made, allowing me to bring the best out of them.”

Back in the days, Daniele already deeply believed in tailor-made, individualized, and safe teaching. This is why he decided to become a freelancer and step out of the simple ‘surf vacation’ or ordinary ‘surf camp’ business model where he would have to work with huge groups and a lot of people.

He wanted to be able to create a personal connection with his students and help them flourish. To coach them, indeed. He invested all his savings in buying surf equipment and started to create his circle of an affectionate community from all over Europe.

surf coach

Lifeguarding the Ocean’s Playground

Daniele’s commitment to safety is as relentless as his love for surfing. As an SLSGB Lifeguard, he stands as a guardian of the ocean, ensuring that every wave rider’s adventure is not just thrilling but also secure. His watchful eye and quick response have earned him the trust of the surfing community, making the waves a safer haven for everyone.

Indeed, becoming an Ocean Lifeguard with SLSGB entails much more in-depth training that exceeds the minimum requirement mandatory for any regular surf instructor—the simple lifesaver title. Daniele thought that it was not enough, so he took part in a 6-month training to gain this prestigious and internationally recognized title.

From Freelancer to Entrepreneur: NALU: Mind Body Surf

In 2023, Daniele embarked on a new chapter, a testament to his entrepreneurial spirit. Together with his partner, he opened NALU: Mind Body Surf in El Cotillo, Fuerteventura. This is more than just a surf school; it’s a sanctuary where the mind, body, and surf unite.

Daniele stands as the Head Coach, a beacon of inspiration in the water, sharing the waves with his students and collaborating with fellow coaches who share his same values. NALU is also a yoga studio, where yogic studies, breathwork, body awareness, and preparation are done with utmost respect for tradition as well as modern science.

New Surf School Philosophy in Fuerteventura

At NALU, things are done differently: no big groups, individual attention, and a well-rounded and honest approach to the teaching of surfing. In fact, surfing is an extreme sport that requires a lot of prior knowledge and training, including mobility and strength, learning breathing techniques, and mental preparation.

It entails becoming one with the Ocean. Knowing that it is hard to make it happen for people in only a few days, Daniele tries to be as honest as possible about expectations, teaching instructions, progression, and safety. Teaching integrity is at the heart of NALU and Daniele’s vision, as well as individual attention to each student.

This ensures that each of them knows what they can expect, avoids ocean trauma (very common during surf holidays), and sets achievable goals. This is why NALU’s Surf Camps are small sized and private/semi private experiences and why Daniele created special intensive programs—Premium Surf Coaching—only for those who want to take it to the next level and, therefore, commit to a higher degree of training: in and out of the water.

From Surf Instructor to Surf Coach: ISA L2 and The Judge’s Perspective

Daniele’s commitment to the surfing community extends beyond regular teaching. He took on the title of an ISA Surf Judge to increase his ability to observe and pick up each detail of surfing styles, maneuvers, and tricks and then be able to teach them properly to his students: this increased his video analysis abilities and allowed him to give well-rounded, professional feedback.

With an eagle eye for detail and a heart dedicated to fair play, he ensures that every training is a true celebration of skill, sportsmanship, and the sheer joy of riding waves.

His journey led him to earn the prestigious ISA L2 Surf Coach certification – the highest award for a surf coach – marking a significant step in a career dedicated to sharing the love for surfing with enthusiasts around the world.

A Wave Rider’s Life

Daniele Moscardini’s journey from a young surfer along the Italian coast to a well-known coach in Fuerteventura’s surfing community is nothing short of inspiring. His story teaches us that surfing is not just a sport; it’s a lifestyle, a passion, and a connection that transcends the boundaries between humans and nature.

As Daniele continues to ride the waves of his dreams, he invites everyone to join him, catch the surf bug, and experience the sheer joy that comes

The best surfer is the one coming out of the water with the biggest smile