Terms of service

In addition to the legal provisions, the following general terms and conditions are agreed between you (hereinafter ‘the Client’ or ‘you’ or singular ‘They’) and the company C&D Astrea, owner the Surf & Yoga school commercially named ‘NALU: Mind Body Surf’ (hereinafter ‘C&D Astrea’, ‘NALU’, ‘NALU: Mind Body Surf’, ‘the school’ or ‘we’) and the website https://nalufuerteventura.com/ (hereinafter ‘this website’ ‘the website’ or ‘our website’). C&D Astrea is registered in Spain as a surf school, yoga studio and specifically as ‘escuela de perfeccionamiento del deporte’ as well as ‘Intermediador turístico’. In addition to surf and yoga courses, provides other services such as accommodation in apartments, hostels, hotels or surf houses.

T&C surf related services, including surf skate and surf & yoga camps and packs:

  1. BOOKING SURF SINGLE CLASSES OR CLASS PASSES: Surf Classes of any kind (group, private, coaching, semi private, surf guide) can be bought singularly or in Packs (bundles) of desired amount. It is possible to book classes directly on this website and paying via debit/credit card or after contacting us and paying via bank transfer or in person at NALU’s premises, in cash or card. Either ways, after the purchase, you need to be in contact with us via email, phone or in person to confirm the precise dates of your holiday and plan the times of the classes. Due to the nature of surfing as a sport that is influenced by natural conditions, the definitive surf timetable is decided by the Head Coach between 48/24h prior the class. If the Client doesn’t communicate to us timely, their reservation remains on hold until we receive notifications from them. In order to complete the booking process, the Client will be asked to pay the full amount of the price of the services and complete the intake form (surf level assessment) that will come with the receipt. In some cases, e.g. if the services are purchased 3 or more months in advance from the Client’s arrival date, we might give the option to book classes by paying a deposit only. The deposit is calculated as either the 20% of the class(es) booked or as the 50%, depending on the service. This assessment is done at our sole discretion. Please note that for ANY booking, 20% of the total will ALWAYS be retained as a flat rate booking fee, and it is not refundable, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE. For bookings made by paying the deposit only, the balance is due within 24h from the class or the first class for packs/bundles. In the case of purchasing a pack (bundle of classes) the balance must be paid in full by the day of the first class.
  2. PAYMENT FOR SINGLE CLASSES OR PACKS: Single Surf Classes or Surf and/or Yoga Packs (bundles with surf only or surf & yoga classes) are purchasable online by the Client via debit/credit card, via instant bank transfer or in person, in cash or card. Regular transfers are accepted only if there are more than 2 business days between booking time and the scheduled class. If the Client decides not to book online and contacts us via email or phone, they will receive the quote via email with all the instructions to pay us. After the payment (online or offline), the Client will receive the invoice via email and a booking confirmation. If the Client comes to our premises, they will receive a quote in person, and they can pay in cash, card or instant bank transfers (regular transfers are accepted only if there are more than 2 business days between booking time and the scheduled class). If the service purchased is handled by our website appointment tool (eg. yoga classes), after the purchase, a Client account will be created in this website and the Client will receive a credit that equals the amount of classes they have bought, in order for them to book classes on our schedule. If the product is not handled by the appointment tool (eg. surf classes) please refer to art.1 as how the client is responsible for contacting us timely to plan their activity. The Client can use the purchased services/products throughout their stay. Any surf related service is valid for 1 month after purchase. After this period, any unused credits will expire.
  3. BOOKING & PAYMENT of SURF & YOGA CAMPS WITH ACCOMMODATION: Surf & Yoga Camps The Client can request Camps booking via the designated intake form or email. Once our confirmation of availability and quotation is accepted by the client, the booking is confirmed once payment via bank transfer is received by us.
    1. If the check in is scheduled 30 days prior check in, the client can decide to make a deposit payment of 50% or to pay in full. If the check in is scheduled less then 30 days prior check in, the amount has to be paid in full. If the Client paid a deposit only, the remaining 50% balance is due 14 days before their check in.
    2. The client should pay the balance via bank transfer only, unless otherwise agreed. In any case, the Client won’t be allowed to check in or join any class that has not been paid in full. The Client is responsible to timely communicate to us the days of their vacation, and any variation is subject to our availability and changes acceptance remains at our sole discretion. The Client will receive an intake form (surf assessment and vacation information) that they have to to fill in.
    3. After the balance is paid, an account will be created in this website and the Client will receive a credit that equals the amount of surf and/or yoga classes they have bought. Depending on the service, they might be able to directly use this credit to book the purchased class(es) (eg. yoga classes) or they might need to communicate with us directly to plan the timetable. The Client can use these services throughout their stay. Please refer to art. 1 on how to interpret our surf scheduling system: times and dates of surf classes are never binding unless confirmed by us and to be considered ‘pending’ until we confirm them. If the Client doesn’t communicate to us timely, their reservation remains on hold until we receive notifications from them.
    4. The Client is responsible for bringing a ID card or Passport valid for authorities registration in order to be allowed to check in in the apartment, and they will be asked to sign a rental contract that includes the Rules of the House (accommodation) chosen for the Camp.
    1. Single Surf classes or Packs are, in general, non refundable. Refunds could be granted at our sole discretion, and only for extremely severe situations (such as family bereavement or severe hospitalizations of students and travel companions). Please note that for we ALWAYS retain a flat rate booking fee of 20%, even in the case of a refund. Classes may be rescheduled up to 24h before scheduled time, but this is dependent on our availability and it remains at our sole discretion to accept rescheduling. Changes to bookings cannot be made after 24h before the scheduled class. No shows are always non-refundable.
    2. Surf & Yoga Camps with Accommodation: Partial refunds are possible if the Client desires to cancel a booked Surf & Yoga Camp with Accommodation (art.3) until 30 or 14 days before their scheduled arrival or earlier, depending on the service.  
      1. If the client has paid in full and cancels the camp 30 days before their scheduled arrival or earlier, 80% of the price amount paid as surf & yoga services will be converted into a credit coupon, while the accommodation price amount gets refunded in full. The surf and/or yoga coupon is personal, valid for 12 months, and cannot be shared with anyone else.
      2. If the client has paid in full and cancels the camp 14 days before their scheduled arrival or earlier, 80% of the price amount paid as surf & yoga services will be converted into a credit coupon, while the accommodation price will not be refunded. The surf and/or yoga coupon is personal, valid for 12 months, and cannot be shared with anyone else.
      3. If the client has chosen the option to pay the 50% deposit only and cancels the camp, no refund will be issued.
      4. If the Client cancels after 14 days from scheduled arrival, no refund will be issued in any case.
  5. MAKING A CHANGE TO YOUR BOOKING Changes must be communicated timely via email, phone or in person.
  6. IF WE CANCEL YOUR BOOKING/CLASS In this case, we will phone the Client or send an email and the Client will be invited to either: 1. Join the next available class – and the missed session will not be counted if the Client has bought a pack/camp, 2. If they cannot join the next class, we will issue a personal coupon that equals the value of what the Client has paid. The coupon is personal, valid for 12 months and cannot be shared with anyone else. 3. Participate in alternative activities like surf skating, dry training and the like.
  7. SURF CLASS CANCELLATION DUE TO ADVERSE METEOROLOGICAL CONDITIONS: We always remain fully entitled to cancel or reschedule surf classes for safety reasons when the weather conditions are not appropriate for surfing. This assessment and decision is done at our discretion. The Client accepts and recognizes that this is a concrete possibility due to the nature of surfing itself and accepts this. In these cases, They can either decide to: 1. receive a coupon that equals the value of what the Client has paid (see art 6) or 2. agree to participate in alternative activities like surf skating, dry training and the like.
  8. BOOKING CONFIRMATION The Client booking is not complete until they have received a booking confirmation via email from us. The Client needs to make sure they received a booking confirmation before they attend any class or request check in. If the Client has not received confirmation, they should contact us by phone or e-mail. Prices are subject to change at any time before we accept bookings. All classes are subject to availability. We do not guarantee availability at any time and the surf schedule is subject to constant change due to natural environment, and should be interpreted as per art.1.

T&C yoga, guided physical activities & workshops held at our studio:

  1. BOOKING SCHEDULED CLASSES: It is possible to buy our classes on this website via debit/credit card or in person, in cash or card. The cost of each regularly scheduled class may be covered by a given number of class passes or membership. Additional classes, special classes, workshops, and events hosted/taught outside of our regularly scheduled classes may be paid for at the time of booking either on our website or in person by our premises, before the class’s start time (at least 15’ before). Some classes, workshops, and events will require payment immediately at the time of booking and will indicate such during the booking process.
  2. PAYMENT FOR DROP-IN: Sometimes, we will schedule classes where drop-in is possible and it is indicated on our website. In that case, if the Client wishes to pay for classes/workshops /courses via the pay-as-you-go/drop-in option They can pay for such class/event/workshop by cash or card in person or online with a credit card/debit card. Payments by cash can be made in person at NALU, but in this case, the Client needs to arrive 10/15 mins earlier.
  3. PAYMENT FOR CLASS PASSES: The Client can purchase class passes online via our website or in person at NALU. Class passes have their expiration date and n. of classes included well indicated in the pass description. The start date of a pass is equal to the date of purchase. After this period, any unused credits will expire. Class passes are assigned to individual client accounts and cannot be shared between clients. Passes cannot be suspended or extended.
  4. CANCELING YOUR BOOKING, LATE CANCELLATIONS + NO SHOWS: The Client may not cancel their booking to get a refund, but they can reschedule their class FOR ONE TIME ONLY and up to 24 hours before the start of your class, provided that there are other equivalent classes available. If there are no other equivalent classes available to book, the class is lost. If they are on a class pass, membership or have paid a drop-in/1 class fee, upon a no-show or late arrival to a booked class or late cancellation, the credit will not remain on their account. For workshops, special classes and special events, cancellations and refunds are not possible. Please refer to the indications provided for each specific event.
  5. MAKING A CHANGE TO YOUR BOOKING: The Client may change their booking for a class, up to 24 before the start of your class that they have booked following the rules provided in art.4. They may change a class booking directly online or by calling Us.
  6. IF WE CANCEL YOUR BOOKING: In the event that we cancel a class or classes that the Client has booked, we will contact the Client by email or telephone to let them know. At the time of cancellation we will offer the choice between: 1. crediting the Client’s NALU account with the credit of the canceled class; or 2. being transferred to a class at an alternative date and time.
  7. BOOKING CONFIRMATION: The booking is not complete until the Client has received a booking confirmation via email from us. The Client needs to make sure they receive a booking confirmation before they attend the class and it is their responsibility to accept that communications happens via email and therefore their responsibility to check their mailbox regularly, as the yoga booking system functions via automatic email confirmation. If their confirmation shows a ‘pending’ status, it means that the minimum number of participants has not been reached yet. We will advise the Client timely if the class is being canceled for this reason. If the Client does not receive confirmation, we invite to contact us by phone or e-mail. Prices are subject to change at any time before we accept your booking. All classes are subject to availability. We do not guarantee availability at any time.
  8. LATE SHOW: Late shows and late arrivals are NOT TOLERATED. If the client arrives when the instructor has already started the class and/or the door is closed, they WILL NOT BE ALLOWED IN. The clients is advised to arrive at least 5 minutes before the class/workshop start time.

T&C Retreats & Special Events

  1. DEFINITION OF RETREAT AND WHAT IS INCLUDED Retreats are sport/yoga events that C&D Astrea, under the commercial name of NALU: Mind Body Surf, orginezes and offers. They are closed groups events that are sold on availability/spot basis and which may or may not include the reservation of accommodation. The Client acknowledges that They are NOT purchasing a travel/trip through a travel agency, but that they are reserving Their spot for an organized sport/yoga/leisure event. This means that the entire trip (flights, travel insurance, cancellation insurance, transportation, and/or catering) is NEVER and IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCE offered, sold or included in any event organized by C&D Astrea, or by its managing partners or by using its brand name NALU: Mind Body Surf. In the case the event is handled by third parties or jointly with third parties (such as travel agencies/hosts/restaurants that are entitled and legally able to offer such services) this will be specified and it is the Client’s responsibility to read carefully each and every description of service and/or product that is specified in the retreat’s information, see section ‘what is included’/’what is not included’. Therefore, C&D Astrea and its managing partners are relieved of all responsibility and they will never be held responsible for the quality and/or delivery of services other than surfing, yoga, other sports that they have previously and specifically indicated and/or the sole reservation of accommodation as they act solely as ‘intermediadores turisticos’.
  2. BOOKING RETREATS: It is possible to book retreats through our website by paying a deposit and/or the full amount (deposit + balance) depending on each specific event and the time of the booking. Please refer to each booking page for further info.
    The client will be responsible for paying the balance timely and accordingly. Failure to perform such payment within the indicated deadline will determine the loss of the deposit and the entire reservation.
  3. PAYMENT FOR RETREATS: The Client can purchase the retreat’s spot via our website via debit/credit card or via bank transfer. Retreats have strict dates and deadlines for payments of deposit & balance which must be respected and honored in any circumstance. If the clients fails to pay the balance in time, their spot will be put on sale again within 24h, they will lose the deposit, and no longer be able to participate in the retreat.
  4. CANCELING YOUR BOOKING, LATE CANCELLATIONS + NO SHOWS: Retreats and Events are, in general, non refundable. The deposit paid for the retreat’s spot is NEVER REFUNDABLE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE. The Client understands and fully accepts this.
    In the case that the Client wishes to cancel their spot after having already paid the balance and/or the full amount, the sole amount of the balance (not the deposit) could be partially refunded if the client finds another person that can attend in their place. If the Client cancels their spot after 30 days prior the commencement of the event/retreat, no refund will be granted under ANY CIRCUMSTANCE. Upon a no-show or late arrival no refund will be granted.
  5. MAKING A CHANGE TO YOUR BOOKING: The Client cannot make changes to the booking as retreats/event’s spots are strictly date/time specific and the dates/time are therefore binding. Please refer to art. 4 for any other cancellation option.
  6. IF WE CANCEL/MODIFY YOUR BOOKING: In the event that we cancel/modify an event/retreat that the Client has booked, we will contact the Client by email or telephone to let them know. At the time of cancellation we will offer the choice between: 1. issue a credit that is equivalent to what the Client has paid and that they can use to cover the cost of any other event/retreat or NALU service or their choice; or 2. being fully refunded. C&D Astrea will not be responsible for reimbursing any additional expenses the Client may have incurred, such as transportation or accommodation costs.
  7. BOOKING CONFIRMATION: The booking is not complete until the Client has received a booking confirmation via email from us. The Client needs to make sure they receive a booking confirmation before they attend the event and it is their responsibility to accept that official communications happen via email and that it is therefore their responsibility to check their mailbox regularly. If the Client does not receive confirmation, we invite them to contact us by phone or e-mail. Prices are subject to change at any time before we accept your booking. All events/retreats are subject to availability. We do not guarantee availability at any time.

Valid for all our services:

  1. CHANGE OF PRICES We reserve the right to review and change the price of our classes and class passes at our sole and absolute discretion.
  2. HOW YOU SHOULD CONTACT US Any written notice or completed form, should be e-mailed to the official email address of the school: aloha@nalufuerteventura.com. You may change or cancel a class booking by phone, or in person at the school, within the appropriate time mentioned above.
  3. FORCE MAJEURE: We shall not be liable to you or deemed to be in breach of these terms by reason of any delay in performing or any failure to perform any of our obligations in relation to these Terms, if the delay was due to any cause beyond reasonable control, including, but not limited to, Acts of God, explosion, flood, storm, fire, war or threat of war, riot, sabotage, insurrection, civil disturbance, restrictions, regulations, by-laws, prohibitions or measures of any kind on the part of any government, parliamentary, or local authority, strikes, lockouts or other industrial action or trade disputes (whether involving our employees or those of any third party), I.T, viruses, difficulties in obtaining raw materials, labor, fuel, parts or machinery, power failure or breakdown in machinery.
  4. WAIVER: No delay or failure by either party to exercise any of its powers, rights or remedies under these Terms will operate a waiver of them, nor will any single or partial exercise of any such powers, rights or remedies preclude any other or further exercise of them. Any waiver to be effective must be in writing.
  5. SEVERABILITY: If any part of these Terms is found by a court of competent jurisdiction or other competent authority to be invalid, unlawful or unenforceable then such part will be severed from these Terms, the remainder of which will continue to be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. If a court finds part of this contract illegal, the rest will continue in force. Each of the paragraphs of these terms operate separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full force and effect. Even if we delay in enforcing this contract, we can still enforce it later. If we do not insist immediately that you do anything you are required to do under these terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of your breaking this contract, that will not mean that you do not have to do those things or prevent us taking steps against you at a later date. For example, if you fail to make a payment and we do not chase you but we continue to provide the Service, we can still require you to make the payment at a later date. Which laws apply to this contract and where you may bring legal proceedings. These terms are governed by Spanish Law and you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the Hosts Programme/Events in the Spanish courts.
  6. ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION Alternative dispute resolution is a process where an independent body considers the facts of a dispute and seeks to resolve it, without you having to go to court. If you are not happy with how we have handled any complaint, we will negotiate in good faith to agree to an independent dispute resolution entity and you will be able to submit a complaint to that entity. We will abide by the decision making of the dispute resolution entity we jointly agree to. It is understood that both parties agree to this once this agreement has been accepted, namely, upon purchase of any of our services and events published on this website which implies accepting its T&C. Upon acceptance of this agreement the Client acknowledges that: (1) he/she has received a copy of, or had the opportunity to digitally read, this agreement; (2) he/she has had an opportunity to discuss the contents with C&D Astrea and its partners and, if desired, to have it reviewed by a lawyer; and (3) the client understands, accepts and agrees to abide by the terms hereof by accepting this website T&C upon purchasing any of its published services or events.
  7. ENTIRE AGREEMENT These Terms constitute the entire agreement between the parties and shall have effect to the exclusion of any other memorandum, agreement, or understanding of any kind, whether oral or written, between parties.

Health warranty and class information

  1. You acknowledge that the participation in physical exercise, surf and yoga instructional classes naturally involves the risk of injury and death. You further acknowledge that specific risks include injuries resulting from overexertion, natural environment, drawning, physical adjustment, improper or negligent use of recommended equipment (e.g. boards, blocks and/or straps), failure to follow trainer instructions, or injuries resulting from participation in an inappropriate level of physical exercise. As such, You understand and voluntarily accept these risks and agree that you are solely responsible for selecting classes and activities that are appropriate for your skill and ability level.
  2. The Client understands that the role of NALU’s partners, employees and contracted professionals is not to provide health care, medical or nutrition therapy services; or to diagnose, treat or cure any disease, condition or other physical or mental ailment of the human body. Rather, the NALU’s partners, employees and contracted professionals act as a guide that has been trained in either Yoga, Meditation, Surfing & Wellness Mentoring to help clients reach their own goals by helping clients devise and implement positive, sustainable lifestyle changes and sport/athletic goals. The Client understands that the NALU and its partners, employees and contracted professionals are not acting in the capacity of doctors, licensed dieticians/nutritionists, psychologists or other licensed or registered professionals, and that any advice given by the them are not meant to take the place of advice by such health professionals. The Client has chosen to work with NALU and its team and understands that the information received should not be seen as medical or nursing advice and is not meant to take the place of seeing licensed health professionals.
  3. The Client expressly assumes the risks of the session/s, including any risks inherent in making lifestyle changes, athletic/sport exercises and the like. The Client releases Us from any and all liability, damages, causes of action, allegations, suits, sums of money, claims and demands whatsoever, in law or equity, which the Client ever had, now has or will have in the future against Us, arising from the Client’s past or future participation in, or otherwise with respect to, the Session/s, Classes, Lectures and other Organized Activities of the School.
  4. While we will make every effort to keep content on the Site current, we do not guarantee it is the most up to date information available. For up-to-the-minute information on class changes, contact information and any other information regarding NALU: Mind Body Surf, its operations, programs, and offers, please contact us using the contact information provided on the Site.



In addition to the legal provisions, the following Code of Conduct is agreed between You (hereinafter ‘the Client’ or ‘You’ or singular ‘They’) and the company C&D Astrea  (CIF: E13737341) represented by Carolina Benzi and Daniele Moscardini, owner the Surf & Yoga school commercially named ‘NALU: Mind Body Surf’ (hereinafter ‘C&D Astrea’, ‘NALU’, ‘NALU: Mind Body Surf’, ‘the school’, ‘the Host(s)’ ‘Us’ or ‘we’). The code of conduct applies to all of the parties, including NALU’s collaborators and employees. The word ‘Participant(s)’ is used in this Code of Conduct to refer to the other people who signed up for events, classes or activities and therefore will experience it together with ‘the Client’. By signing this form, you agree that you have been informed by C&D Astrea about the content of this document. You officially and voluntarily accept it upon digitally signing it when purchasing any services from us and through this website.

C&D Astrea is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all participants, instructors, and staff during ‘The Event.’ Harassment or misconduct of any kind is not tolerated.

Anti-Harassment Policy

C&D Astrea does not permit any form of harassment between participants, instructors, employees, or other individuals involved in its activities. Harassment is defined as unwelcome verbal or non-verbal conduct based on a person’s protected characteristics including age, gender, pregnancy, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, socioeconomic status, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by law.

Examples include but are not limited to:

  • Body shaming
  • Offensive comments of jokes regarding physical appearance & clothes (including religious clothing)
  • Unsolicited comments and enquiries about private life & lifestyle unless such questions become strictly necessary for safety reasons and are asked by NALU’s instructors prior engaging in physical activities (eg: we might need to enquire about the stage of your pregnancy if you want to join a yoga class)
  • Offensive jokes and comments regarding regional accents, nationality and family stories
  • Offensive comments regarding age and physical abilities

Sexual Harassment Policy

C&D Astrea does not tolerate sexual harassment in any form. Sexual harassment includes any unwelcome sexual attention, advances, requests for unwelcome and/or non consesual sexual favors, or other unwelcome/non consesual verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature.

Examples include but are not limited to:

  • Unwanted physical contact.
  • Offensive remarks, jokes, or comments about appearance.
  • Display of sexually suggestive objects or pictures.
  • Unwelcome sexual advances by instructors, participants, or others.

Sexual Misconduct Policy

C&D Astrea prohibits any form of sexual misconduct. Sexual misconduct is any unsolicited and unwelcome sexual advance, request for sexual favors, or other verbal, visual, or physical conduct that creates a sexually hostile environment during activities.

Examples of sexual misconduct include:

  • Unwelcome sexual advances, whether physical or not.
  • Sexual jokes, epithets, or references to sexual conduct.
  • Displaying sexually suggestive objects or pictures.
  • Unwelcome leering, whistling, or suggestive comments.
  • Inquiries into an individual’s sexual activities.
  • Sexually oriented adjustments or touch during activities.
  • Discussion of one’s sexual activities inappropriately.

Multi-Level Marketing and Sales Policy

C&D Astrea considers any form of multi-level marketing or active selling of services or products at the Retreat as harassment. Our activities are designed to be a safe and respectful environment focused on surf, movement and yoga activities, and participants are prohibited from using NALU’s activities as a platform to promote or sell their services or products.

Examples include but are not limited to:

  • Soliciting participants to join multi-level marketing schemes.
  • Promoting or selling products or services during activities.
  • Distributing marketing materials or product samples.
  • Conducting business transactions within NALU’s spaces.

Romantic Relationships Between Instructors and Participants

Instructors must avoid entering into personal or sexual relationships with participants that could impair their professional judgment or compromise the integrity of their teaching. If a romantic relationship develops, it must be disclosed to C&D Astrea management.

Instructors must:

  • Maintain professional boundaries.
  • Avoid responding to or initiating romantic or sexual relationships with participants.
  • Seek guidance from management if a romantic attraction develops.

Management will determine how to handle such relationships, which may include establishing boundaries or deciding if either party should stop participating to NALU’s activities. Pre-existing relationships between instructors and participants must also be disclosed to ensure ethical standards are maintained.

Reporting and Enforcement

Participants, instructors, or staff who experience or witness any form of harassment or misconduct should report it immediately to C&D Astrea management. All complaints will be taken seriously and investigated promptly and thoroughly. Retaliation against anyone who reports harassment or misconduct is strictly prohibited.

By participating in any event, activities or classes all individuals agree to adhere to this policy and understand that any violation may result in disciplinary action, up to and including removal from the NALU’s premises or activities without refund. Those found to be in breach of this policy will be asked to leave NALU’s premises or activities immediately. No refunds will be provided in such cases, and the individual may also be prohibited from attending future events or activities organized by C&D Astrea.

Términos y Condiciones